
男歡女愛自古有, 情到濃時婚好期。結婚, 是人生之中的一大喜事。找對了愛你和你愛的那個人, 就應好好的做個決定, 為了幸福, 為了美滿的生活, 在適當的時候就選擇合二為一, 相親相愛, 成雙成對, 結成共枕同眠的好夫妻。

Google's $5,000,000,000 EU Fine - July 20th, 2018
So now Google is fined $5,000,000,000 by the European Union(EU) for Android antitrust violations. But is Google happy about the five billion dollars fine? The answer is NO. No company likes to be fined. Yet, if given enough evidence of antitrust violations, then fining that $5,000,000,000 is inevitable. It is important for businesses to follow the rules of not becoming a monopoly in any way, and also to strictly follow and respect the rules of those other countries that they are doing business in. Google may choose to look at the situation as a cup of tea half full instead of half empty. Google may feel itself lucky that the EU fine is merely five billion dollars instead of fifteen billion dollars. And with huge piles of cash on hand in the multibillion dollars, Google's parent company Alphabet can certainly handle the relatively small five billion dollars fine by the EU. Competition shall be encouraged in the business world for the good of the overall economy. Thus, anti-competition shall be prevented. Not only anti-competition shall be prevented, but companies shall not commit acts of evil in any way. So STOP committing acts of evil if your company has been secretly doing so. Some gigantic size companies do commit acts of evil, secretly.

The Youtube Success
YouTube, an online video sharing company, was started by three former PayPal employees— Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim — on Valentine's Day, February 14th, 2005. It got started as a dating site with video sharing, showing, and seeing. But the concept of video sharing for dating purpose didn't go as initially intended. Instead, it has become a video sharing site for the general public. In only about 18 months after the site launch, YouTube was acquired by search engine company Google for a price tag of $1,650,000,000 dollars. As of now, the value of YouTube is worthing about $80,000,000,000 dollars. That's a huge eighty billion dollars. In this transaction, the YouTube founders made a great fortune in only 18 months of hardwork. For Google, it made a great deal by purchasing the video sharing site, which has added much greater value to Google in the multibillions.

Thus, if you think you have a great idea to start a tech company, then just go ahead and do it. Don't wait until your idea is tested, perfected, and completely proven before you launch the startup. You will likely alter and make the many changes to improve what you've originally started with. You will see more opportunities come in your direction as you are taking the steps forward.

Benchmark Capital Vs Uber Founder Travis Kalanick - August 13th, 2017
So VC firm Benchmark sues Uber founder Travis Kalanick. That's certainly a reckless and short-sighted move by Benchmark. Such an unwise move would cause startup companies more likely to reject Benchmark venture capital funding in the coming future. Thus, Benchmark will likely lose good chances to invest in high potential startups during early stages funding. If Benchmark is not happy, then Benchmark may sell its current shares of Uber to other venture capital or investment companies. There are plenty of investment companies hungrily willing to pickup Uber shares that Benchmark may willing to let go. Now, Benchmark choses to play the role of a detested trouble maker to affect the growth and good health of Uber as a vital company. In response, other Uber investors or outside investment companies shall take over the Uber shares that Benchmark is currently holding. For the better business future, Uber shall drop the divider and trouble maker Benchmark as soon as possible. It is absolutely okay for Benchmark to leave Uber. It is now time for Benchmark to keep hands off Uber. Uber doesn't need Benchmark and will continue to grow and expand without Benchmark. Benchmark is not important to Uber anymore, and it shouldn't pretend itself important to Uber.

Benchmark is obviously ruining its own reputation and doing harm to hurt Uber as a company now. Uber shall decisively take constructive actions to stop Benchmark from hurting Uber. Benchmark is no doubt an unwelcomed unwise trouble maker at the moment. Drop Benchmark now.

Acts Of Evil
So Google made a statement of "Don't Be Evil" before. But does Facebook do evil? The answer is "Absolutely Yes!" Facebook does commit acts of evil, evidently.

Next Big Thing - May 8th, 2017
At this past weekend's shareholders event, Berkshire Hathaway's CEO Warren Buffett said that he didn't buy Google when he was able to is his biggest investment mistake. But I would say, Yahoo's Co-Founder Jerry Yang didn't buy Google for merely a million dollars in 1998 is Jerry's biggest business mistake. Fortunately, Jerry was lucky enough that he made the best business decision by investing into China's home-grown e-commerce giant Alibaba seven years later in 2005 after the earlier Google mistake. So Jerry missed one big boat, but got on board of another big boat. That's not so bad.

These days, there are plenty of investment companies or simply gigantic size tech companies with huge amount of cash sitting around available and waiting eagerly to invest in the "Next Big Thing" of great potential startup companies. For example, Warren Buffett's investment company is piling up to almost $100 billion dollars and it is looking forward to pour some of the money into the great potential tech startups. Another example is, tech giant Cisco with billions in cash, just bought San Francisco based AppDynamics for $3.7 billion dollars early this year and another $610 million dollars days fresh deal of buying Viptela, a cloud-based SD-WAN company based in San Jose.

The future is uncertain for doing businesses. But for startup tech companies, the future continues to be optimistically vibrant and vigorous, especially in the San Francisco Bay Area. More tech startups will try to make it big. Some will grow fast and taller than the others. And a small percentage of them will become the "Next Big Giants". For talented individuals or dreamers, especially those with the necessary set of technical skills, having your tech startup or joining a tech startup at an early stage maybe your stepping stones to reach super richness. You may become the next Bill Gates, you may become the next Mark Zuckerberg, you may become the next Jack Ma(馬雲), you may become the next Larry Page and Sergey Brin, or you may become the next Robin Li(李彥宏). The future is bright, the opportunities are plenty, and making yourself a billionaire is possible, if you have a dream, a plan, and the committed actions to make it happen. It is POSSIBLE.

Your startup may be the NEXT BIG THING!

Data (Written late April or early May 2017)
Someone recently said that the world's most valuable resource is data. And data is the combination of human wit creation and machine computing generated information, content, and statistics. But data by itself can not generate revenue, income, or profit unless we the people or tech companies involve in the process of data mining, data understanding, and ultimately data commercialization. Data is precious indeed. Those with the tools to understand the significance of data and have the wit to commercialize data would sure find themselves opportunities for wealth maximization in the modern economy as of now and forward in the coming future.

Tech Company IPO
Interestingly, I had a dream last night(03/10/2016) and I remember pretty well on the details. In the dream, I was planning my tech company's initial public offering(IPO). My target goal is, on the day of the IPO, I still possess of at least 10% of the company and that my own shares of the company should worth at least $10 billion dollars.

Facebook Advertising Doesn't Produce Result
Investors and advertisers should have the right to know about that facebook advertising being ineffective and inefficient. They should hear the truth about facebook advertising, that it doesn't work, it doesn't produce result. The way of how the facebook advertising business model setup is a "advertisers lose" structure. The more money advertisers spend on Facebook advertising, the more money would be wasted and money would not come back. Don't waste money on facebook advertising. It is not worth it.

Revolutionary Personal Flying Vehicle Ehang 184
This is a cool and eye-catching product from the recent CES Las Vegas 2016. It is a one person flying transporter, named the Ehang 184, that does not require the passenger to know how to fly. All you need to to do is set the start location and landing destination on a GPS-like device screen, then press the START button and the flying drone would take you there accordingly. It can carry a passenger of up to 264 pounds. The flying speed is 62 miles per hour and can fly a trip of about 23 minutes at sea level. So would you like to own an Ehand 184 and fly around to places for fun? The price range will be at around $200,000 to $300,000. It will reach the market later this year. But if you want to buy or fly an Ehang 184 in the US, then it is uncertain whether the FAA would give approval to such a personal flying vehicle to flying around US airspace. If it gets approved, then each personal flying vehicle shall get a personal flying vehicle license and operation insurance for sky flying, just like the way motor vehicles need for driving on the the roads. Basic training for personal flying vehicle passengers are also necessary. But whether it gets approved or not eventually, one thing for sure is, such a cool product will certainly have a long line of interested buyers.

Ehang 184 at CES Las Vegas 2016

If you live by the beach near the ocean and you are afraid of tsunami, then you might consider buying an Ehang 184 for escaping purpose. Do you still remember that 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami? Anyone living near the beach can use a personal flying vehicle to escape the devastating tsunami. If many of those were living near the ocean during the 2011 Japan earthquake, then they could had escaped the tsunami with the personal flying transporters like the Ehang 184.

By the way, this personal flying vehicle may be a solution for high-rise building disaster escape. It is small and doesn't take too much space like the helicopter does. Future high-rise buildings may require to build one to several drawer-like, slide-in and slide-out type of personal flying vehicle landing dishes. The landing dishes can push inside the building floors when not needed. When there is a disaster, then the landing dishes can push out into the airspace, so the personal flying vehicles can land on it and fly away from it. Sounds good? Also, there needs to be parking space for the personal flying vehicles within the high-rise buildings on the upper floors, so the personal flying vehicles can be stored inside the building floors on the upper levels. Let say if a building has 80 floors, then there may need to be a landing dish on the top of the building. And there may need to be 3 more landing dishes, such as on the 70th floor, on the 60th floor, and on the 50th floor. But sure buildings may add some additional landing dishes on the lower floors, such as the 20th, 30th, and 40th floors if they like to. By the way, the landing dish may not even be round shaped. The landing dish can just be rectangular shaped, just like the shape of a drawer. Therefore, architects shall start planning and design to build the next generation high-rise buildings with drawer-like, slide-in and slide-out type of personal flying vehicle landing dishes. People working on the top floors of high-rise buildings no longer need to worry about unable to escape a disaster such as a building fire or the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers of New York. This is going to be revolutionary solution for high-rise building or skyscraper disaster escape.

You can start from nothing to something. You can build a multi billion dollars worth business with a good idea, a good market niche, or a good plan to get to where you want to go.

A good idea can turn into a great fortune. A good app such as WhatsApp may grow into a multi billion dollars business.

That's what I do. I build apps, and beyond apps. In the Age of Mobile Apps, I will create magical apps and then turn them into a multi billion dollars global company on the road ahead.

So do you believe in magic? I do.

Lets create magical apps to turn great dreams into reality.

Together, we can build apps to change the world for better, improve the lives of many, and get financially rewarded for the great work that we do.

faceBOOK Store
I wonder, I wonder if facebook is going to open a gigantic faceBOOK store in San Francisco in 2016.

Most Profitable Application In The World
Today, Google is one of the most admirable tech companies in the world. However, do you know what makes Google so profitable, so big? Google's 103rd engineer Chinese American, a Cantonese, Jeremy Zhou (周哲) created the most profitable application in the world, called Google Adwords, making Google one of the most profitable companies in the world. He was born in Canton China in 1976, raised in Hong Kong, graduated from Stanford, and entered startup Google as employee 103rd when Google was a tiny Silicon search company. Do you still remember that Google was not making much money in the early years and that founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin wanted to sell Google to Chinese American Jerry Yang's Yahoo for merely a million dollars? It was that Google 103rd employee Jeremy Zhou created the super profitable AdWords application to have allowed Google to grow from a tiny startup company in the Silicon Valley to become a gigantic tech leader in the world.

Now, Google has become Alphabet. But, Jeremy Zhou's AdWords application will continue to be the financial foundation, the revenue dragon for Google, for the new Alphabet.

今晚想送你一首聽了會讓你輕鬆﹐ 讓你心裡感覺甜蜜的歌曲。 來一首鄧麗君的名曲<<甜蜜蜜>>吧。 我對這首歌特別有好的印象。 這是因為我在十幾年前去參加過的一個婚禮。 在婚禮上的新郎就是唱這首<<甜蜜蜜>>給他那個甜蜜的新娘聽。 再加上那些伴郎也 一起幫忙唱給新娘和伴娘聽。 那個婚宴很有氣氛﹐ 很浪漫﹐ 很難忘。 新郎的家是住三藩市﹐ 而女的家就住不遠的DALY CITY. 一早新郎還要到新娘的家裡﹐ 撞門接新娘。 男方的人馬要給大封大封的紅包利是給女方的伴娘姐妹﹐ 女方才讓男方進門把新娘抱 回家。 當然﹐ 他們兩方都有向家裡的長輩們敬茶表禮儀上的尊重。 吃過午餐後﹐ 他們就到風景的地點去照相。 然後晚上就到酒樓 去辦婚宴。 如果﹐ 你自己結過婚或做過伴郎或伴娘﹐ 你是應該知道接著的婚宴是怎樣的。總之很好玩﹐ 很搞笑﹐ 很開心。 好了﹐ 以下請欣賞﹕ <<甜蜜蜜>>


We Are The Light And We Shine
Picture of shining light Some people might wonder how come Thomas Edison spent so much time experimenting in creating and inventing an electric light bulb. Was it worth the effort? The answer is absolutely "Yes". Time well spent on inventing the electric light bulb. Though he failed many many times in the process of making the light bulb to work, still he didn't give up, but instead kept on trying until it ultimately become a success. So why? That's because he wanted to light up the world around himself, and to eventually light up the world wherever there are people needed light and where people are living in the dark. Thus, he lighted up the world around himself more than 100 years ago. And his electric light bulb continues to light up in more and more corners of the world today.

Yes, there's still darkness in this world, darkness among people, darkness within societies, darkness in some people's heart, darkness in people's actions, darkness in people's words, and darkness in people's evil intentions. And we, the people, need to do our job to light up the world around us, beyond ourselves, and to bring light to the world wherever there's darkness and where there's lack of light. We are the light, you are the light, and we make sure darkness disappear among people, darkness disappear inside people's heart, darkness disappear in bad intentions and devilish motives. We are the light and we shine it onto the devils so the devils would unmask themselves and turn themselves into powerless spirits or spiritless puppets. For devils love to hide themselves in the dark and they are afraid of being exposed to light. When light shines onto darkness, then the devils will disappear the way darkness will disappear.

Are you with me?

Lets brighten the world together...

New American Slavery
Don't let money buy your soul. Stay clean, stay pure. Refuse their money if it is intended for controlling your soul. But there are special interest groups out there with big money and they make the politicians their slaves. Even Barack Obama is no exception. Obama is a slave of some special interest groups. Slavery in America didn't end yet. Today's politicians in America are the slaves of special interest groups. So if the politicians are slaves, then the special interest groups are their masters. And when the special interest masters order their politician slaves to perform certain tasks, then the politician slaves would follow the order of their special interest masters accordingly to perform. Politicians sold their souls to special interest groups, and therefore they become slaves. Slaves simply have to follow the strict order of their masters. If a politician takes the money from the special interest master, and if he refuses to perform according to the demand of the master, then the special interest master would sure put dirt on him and put him out of office, or the worse. Too bad...

"Yes Master."

"Good boy."

Aristotle quote saying: The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. When Man + Woman = Marriage, then Man + Man shall Not Equal to Marriage, and Woman + Woman shall Not Equal to Marriage, because Man + Woman is Not Equal to Man + Man, and Man + Woman is Not Equal to Woman + Woman. The equations just don't match. Making unequal things equal would be WRONG. Simply WRONG!!!

Given the fact that (male + female) = Marriage. While (male + female) Not Equal to (male + male), and (male + female) Not Equal to (female + female), therefore, (male + male) is Not Equal to marriage and (female + female) is Not Equal to Marriage as well.

So when a small tiny group of individuals unreasonably calling unequal things equal would be WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. They are wrong.


(Man + Man) simply don't equal to Marriage.
(Woman + Woman) simply don't equal to Marriage.
The correct answer is: (Man + Woman) = Marriage

The math tells us that MARRIAGE is between a man and a woman.

By the way, it takes a man and a woman to give life to a baby. Two men have sex with each other would not give life to a baby. Two woman have sex with each other would not give birth to a baby.

Happy Father's Day 2015
Picture of father and son walking an amazing maze by the ocean cliff Sometimes you may wonder what is life all about. Here is a simple answer. Life is a process that leads to a destination, that you walk from one end to the other end. In between the two ends, there are lots of things going on. There maybe happiness, there maybe sadness. There maybe love, there maybe loneliness. There maybe uphills, there maybe downhills. The list can go on and on. But whether you like this life journey or not, you have to walk it through. It is like a hiking trail, and there sure be uphills and downhills. But whether is up or down, you shall have a positive altitude about your journey. Just like walking a maze, you'll make some left turns, you'll make some right turns. You'll also do some U-turns and easy straight walks. Life is that simple. Just enjoy it as you are marching on. If you still don't understand the meaning of life, then you shall bring yourself one day to walk this amazing maze at Land's End in the northwest corner of San Francisco, in between Cliff House and Sea Cliff. By the way, bring your father there on a Father's Day like today would even be more meaningful. Without father, without you. Happy Father's Day to all fathers!!!

Sweet Harmony
When a man loves a woman, he holds her tight in his arms, he caresses her thoroughly everywhere, he kisses her lips, tastes her tongue, breathes her breath, shakes her world like earthquakes, then take her up to the heavens, and finally settling down to long peaceful sweet harmony. Sweet harmony...

有人踏上了短程的旅途。 有人踏上了遠程的旅途。 你呢﹐這個夏天你要去哪裡玩?

MegaMillionsPicks App
Mega Millions Random Generator app logo MegaMillionsPicks app helps you to pick random numbers for the MEGA Millions lottery game. Winning of the lottery mainly depends on luck in picking the right numbers. If you are lucky, then it takes only one ticket to win.

MEGA Millions rolls out six winning numbers on every Tuesday and Friday evening near 8:00 p.m. US Pacific Time. Among six winning numbers, five are regular numbers that are in between 1 to 75. One winning number is the MEGA number, which is in between 1 to 15. The price to buy each MEGA Millions lottery game ticket is $1.

The MEGA Millions game starts at $15,000,000.00 million dollars and grows itself until there is a Jackpot winner or winners. It is widely available for purchase, play, and win in 43 of the 50 US states plus District of Columbia and U.S. Virgin Islands. The highest MEGA Millions Jackpot ever produced was in the amount of $656,000,000.00 in year 2012. If you are lucky, then you may win and become a millionaire.

Again, winning of the lottery mainly depends on luck. In words of wisdom, luck can be improved by doing the following:

1. Be kind to yourself and others
2. Be generous
3. Be grateful
4. Help those that helped you before in return when you can
5. Help people that really needed your help when you can
6. Treat your family well
7. Be a positive contributor to society
8. Smile often
9. Be hopeful
10. Be optimistic
11. Think positive
12. Save money for the long term
13. Give a gift to those that you love and care, whether the value of the gift is small or big

Most important of all is BEING GRATEFUL.

A Thousand Sand
If you think summer is hot, then you are correct. Summer is supposed to be warm and hot. If you feel hot today, then head yourself to the beach right now. Get your bare feet wet, play with a thousand sand, and eat some delicious ice cream on your way home. And enjoy! Android! ^_^

埋頭苦幹吧。 總有一天你會發光發亮。

今天有一位小女孩﹐ 她問了我一個很特別的問題。 這個問題在很多小孩子成長的過程之中都會有這樣的疑問過。 只有將近八歲的她這樣問我﹐ “叔叔﹐ 我有一個問題想問你。 這個世界上最早最先的人是誰呢?” 她這樣一問﹐ 我就想﹐ “啊﹐ 小女孩真的長大了。 開始想問題﹐ 開始懂事了。” 然後我就一五一十般的給她講解了人類從何 而來﹐ 更加以後從何而去。 但我告訴她的答案不是你想像中的那樣﹐ 也不是你以往所聽說過的那樣。我給她的 答案不是科學書本上那些猜想的東西﹐ 也不是宗教界裡面認為或講述的那樣。

童年時喝的是維他奶。 不經不覺﹐ 人已經長大了。 很多事情也改變了。你呢﹐ 你有沒有變? 但很肯定的一樣東西還沒有改變﹐ 那就是我們走的路。路還是在我們的前方﹐ 我們還有理想﹐ 我們還有夢想。喝維他奶﹐ 夢想必成真。

Great Love
Fortune Cookie app logo Sometimes I use my own Fortune Cookie App to check for my fortune of the moment. Astonishingly, sometimes the app gives me the fortune that reflects exactly accurately on what I think of or the actual situation at the moment. Just ten minutes ago, I used the Fortune Cookie App to check for my fortune again. Here is what my fortune says, "Because of a great love, one is courageous. - Lao Tzu". That is so correct. Did you check yours yet?

今天中午就有朋友打電話來向我報喜。 他是一位比較年輕的朋友。 他告訴我他在最近幾天接到了通知﹐ 正式被一間 生物化學科技公司聘請為軟件開發工程師﹐ 年薪大概十萬美金加福利和股權。 我就恭喜了他﹐ 還要求他工作出了第一份 薪水就請吃飯。 他很快就說好。 在最近比較多公司願意邀聘请他工作。 但之前的半年他過得十分辛苦。 他申請了 很多軟件開發的職位﹐ 如GOOGLE的YOUTUBE APP DEVELOPER職位﹐ 雖然是通過了所有的程式考試和直接面試﹐ 但都 沒有得到好的回復。 但很幸運在上一個月﹐ 經過了過五關斬六將的網上程式考試和多次網談﹐ 他終於被ALIBABA聘 请做為一位WEB DEVELOPER。 但很可惜﹐ ALIBABA要求他提供兩年的工作經驗證明﹐ 而他根本上就沒有WEB DEVELOPER 的工作經驗。 GOOGLE沒有請他﹐ ALIBABA最後也沒有請他﹐ 這讓他很沮喪。 當時我就鼓勵他﹐ "GOOGLE和ALIBABA 不聘請你﹐ 那不是你的錯。 那是GOOGLE和ALIBABA的錯﹐ 那是他們的損失﹐ 他們的公司漏掉了像你那麼優秀的軟件 開發人才。 大公司因為太大﹐ 在聘請人才的過程之中很多時候會漏掉一些優秀的人才。 就比如﹐ 當初那個WHATSAPP的 共同創辦人Brian Acton不也是被FACEBOOK拒絕了工作申請嗎? 你看﹐ 不久前FACEBOOK就要拿出一百九十億美元來收購 Brian Acton所共同創辦的WHATSAPP。我親眼看過你寫程式的速度。 你很快﹐ 在一百個程式員裡你必定是前兩位最快的 高手。 加上你的邏輯也很好。 我認為你將來是可造之才。 假以時日﹐ 你也會成為像FACEBOOK的Mark Zuckerberg﹐ WHATSAPP的Brain Acton﹐ 或BAIDU的李彥宏那樣的公司創辦人。 所以你不要棄壘﹐ 你要繼續努力去找好的公司。 時來 運必轉的。" 果真﹐ 最近連微軟公司MICROSOFT也願意給他機會。 其他公司也開始從新上門來給他機會。

很傻﹐ 很天真
男歡女愛自古有﹐ 情到濃時論婚嫁。 男追女﹐ 女戀男﹐ 這種事在全世界每個角落每一天都在發生。 或者你已經 談過戀愛﹐ 也許你已經結了婚﹐ 也有了自己的孩子。 但你有否想過﹐ 如果你是個女的﹐ 那你知不知道你的男朋友 或丈夫究竟愛你甚麼? 他愛你的長相﹐ 身材﹐ 性格﹐ 還是別的東西? 如果是愛你的性格﹐ 那他愛你性格的哪些特 點呢? 比如說﹐ 他是愛你的善解人意﹐ 還是喜歡你的溫順柔懷? 他是喜歡你的賢能才干﹐ 還是欣賞你的職業本領? 如果你是個男的﹐ 那你的女朋友或妻子究竟是愛你的哪些地方呢? 她愛你的財富﹐ 地位﹐ 才華﹐ 權力﹐ 職業﹐ 性格﹐ 愛好﹐ 理想﹐ 或樣貌? 如果是性格﹐ 那她喜歡你顧家﹐ 浪漫﹐ 長情﹐ 幽默﹐ 有智慧﹐ 富創造力﹐ 有 責任心﹐ 還是有紳士風度?

其實很多人從來都沒有認真想過這個問題。但還是有些人是知道為何會愛一個人。 比如﹐ 最近大陸女影星范冰冰就 公開了她正和李晨蜜戀。她說她喜歡李晨是因為他有英雄氣概﹐ 是個真男子﹐ 會保護她﹐ 給她安全感。

也有人愛一個人只是因為那個人夠傻﹐ 夠天真。 你聽過沒有?

在好幾年前我參加過一個親戚或朋友兒子的婚禮。 在婚禮上﹐ 那些頑皮的伴郎伴娘就有玩新郎新娘的環節。 其中一 個玩新郎新娘的項目是考考新郎和新娘究竟互相了解有多深。 那項目是分開新郎新娘問問題﹐ 然後讓所有來參加婚 宴的親友聽他們的答案﹐ 看看一對新人是否真的了解對方。首先﹐ 一位伴娘把新娘拉進封閉的酒樓化妝房間﹐ 那樣 新娘就聽不到酒席上的熱鬧聲音。 然後一位伴郎就把新郎從他的座位上拉出來面對著嘉賓。 婚禮的司儀就很認真般 向新郎問了一個問題﹐ “你的新娘叫ANNA。你當初喜歡和追求ANNA的原因是甚麼?” 新郎的答案竟然是這樣搞笑﹐ “我 當初喜歡和追求ANNA是因為她很傻。 她總是被我騙。 她今天嫁我是我把她騙回來的。” 他這麼一答﹐ 所有的親朋好 友都哈哈大笑了﹐ 因為他們覺得新郎是在開玩笑。之後就輪到把新娘從化妝房間拉出來讓婚禮司儀問同一個問題。 司儀問新娘﹐ “你的新郎哥是JOHN。 剛才我給新郎問了一個問題。 我問JOHN當初他喜歡和追求你的原因是甚麼。你 可以給我們所有來參加婚宴的親朋好友作答嗎?” 新娘一聽這樣的問題﹐ 她的臉就顯露得特別甜蜜。 她咪咪嘴微笑著 ﹐ 然後帶點害羞般的回答﹐ “JOHN當初喜歡和追求我是因為我比較傻﹐ 我總是被他騙。 我人很老實﹐ 所以就容易 被他騙。” 她這麼一答﹐ 所有的親朋好友都大聲狂笑叫好。新娘說出同樣的答案讓他們知道了JOHN之前講的話是真的 ﹐ 肯定不是向大家開玩笑而以。所以他們都覺得這對新人是非常了解對方﹐ 認為他們會性格合得來的﹐ 能夠一對筷 子用到老。

以上的兩個例子﹐ 講出了有時候﹐ 愛一個人的原因可能只是很簡單。 女的喜歡男的也許只是因為他有英雄氣概﹐ 是個真男子的性格。 男的喜歡女的可能是因為她夠傻﹐ 思想天真﹐ 但很老實。

你又是否很傻﹐ 很天真呢?

其實﹐ 情人眼中出西施﹐ 總有一位適合你。 如果你還沒找到意中人﹐ 那請不用太過擔憂。你一定會遇上心上人的。

Forever 21 Love Story
Forever 21, a young ladies' fashion clothing company. I used to take my ex-girl friend there to do her shopping, quite often during those romantic days. She made herself modern and fashionable, which in turn cheered my eyes and sweeten my heart. We met when she was 15 and I was 17. Then we started our relationship when she was 17 and I was 19. Then the romance continued for some years. Memory comes back. Those were the years...my first girl friend. Long ago...

So when was your first relationship? How young were you then?

If you want to be successful in business, then this Forever 21 story may give you some inspiration. You can start from nothing to something. You can build a billion dollars worth business with a good idea, a good market niche, or a good plan to get to where you want to go. Get it?

花開富貴﹐ 萬世榮華。
炎炎夏天﹐ 合家同樂。
時來運到﹐ 百事亨通。
風調雨順﹐ 天下太平。

The Golden Gate Bridge Jump
Here is my tonight's comment on a post regarding a member of the SFCTJFFG 2 written about her friend's 15 years old nephew's jumping off the San Francisco Golden Bridge recently:

I knew of someone that jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge as well in the 1990s. Through another friend, I have learned that the guy, at the time in his 20s, was having some family, economical, or school learning issues. A preventive barrier may help reduce the number of people from jumping off the GGB. But, more importantly is for the schools to do more preventive care for students with personal issues. It is the teachers' and classmates' job to help or notifying the school if the student maybe showing signs of depression or personal issues that might need help.

As parents, it is important for them to help cultivate a sense of optimism as part of the child's rooted character or personality. With optimism, when a person faces life hardship or difficulties, he or she would see the bright side of the issue, which would lead him or her not to take one's own life, regardless of the situations.

For young people, even for adults as well, one of the issues that may seriously bother them and get them depressed easily is the relationship related issue, such as a break up with the loved one, such as a refusal from his or her crush, or a third person entering into the relationship, a cheating by the loved one, ...etc. If you can imagine what the adults would feel and do in a love triangle, then the young teens may do the same too. They may get depressed, frustrated, and angry. Then if they aren't mature enough to control their own emotions, then the situation may lead to a serious fatal disaster. Young people need to learn that breaking up in a relationship or being rejected by someone shouldn't be looking at as the end of the world. That perspective of looking at a failed relationship needs to change. They need to understand that in the forest, there aren't just one tree. If one tree doesn't work out well, then move on to the next tree. Sure it hurts for an unhappy relationship, or simply that you are unable to win the heart of someone at the first place that may bring frustration and depression. But, life needs to move on. If someone doesn't meant to be with you, then you just go ahead to find someone else that would be happy to stay together with you.

But whether it is about relationship issue, study pressure, family problems, economical reasons, or other personal unhappy issues, one shall always try to see a brighter future is still ahead. Life is long. And you need to live it to the fullest possible.

Life is precious. Treasure life with self love. Take good care of yourself. Be nice to yourself, just like how you might treat your own children.

Be there to help someone, if you see her or him in great difficulties or life hardship. Lend a hand to help if you can. Even if you simply say some supportive words, that would be a great help already.

Love. Love yourself, love others, love the world.

Think. Think that you are much luckier than many people already. Because you are.

You are a lucky person.

很溫馨﹐ 很浪漫
有一位著名的美國國會女議員﹐ 她位高權重﹐ 也很有財富。 她現在還在高位。 有一次一位記者問她﹐ “你是美國 國會議員﹐ 連我們的美國總統對你都非常尊重和重用你的能力才華。 那我請問﹐ 讓你最高興的事情是甚麼?” 她笑 了笑﹐ 然後很開心般的回答記者所提出的問題﹐ “其實我最開心的事就是我可以親自下廚做菜給我親愛的丈夫吃﹐ 一起和他共度午餐或晚餐。 真的。 很多人覺得我現在是位高權重的國會議員﹐ 那我就不應該給我的丈夫做菜。其實 我不這麼想。 因為我的職位﹐ 我已經常年累月在國會裡跟很多有權的男人們因商論國家大事而經常作強勢的鬥爭。 但回到了家裡﹐ 我要做回身為妻子的本份。 我要做一位稱職的好妻子。 走進廚房做菜和我親愛的丈夫一起吃﹐ 讓我感覺很高興﹐ 也很自豪。我很樂意這麼做。 這種有家的感覺很溫馨﹐ 很浪漫。”

The Engagement
Man finds his woman. She falls in love with him. Then they feel like spending a lifetime together. Thus, these two love birds have decided to engage each other at San Francisco's beautiful Marina Green. With colorful balloons, a customized marriage proposal message "KIMMY WILL U MARRY ME" panda kite, and the exchange of engagement rings, oh...that's so romantic, so thoughtfully creative, so happy happy. Thumbs up, officially engaged. And their wedding will be February 2016. Congratulations! ^_^

If you are a man and you haven't found your woman yet, then don't hesitate, go find your woman now. If you are a woman and you haven't found your man yet, then waste time no more, go search for your man now. You need love. And love will bring you true happiness and felicity.

If you are a man, then have you ever truly loved a woman? Do you have the manly courage to love a woman? If you are a woman, then have you ever truly loved a man? Do you have the tender passion to love a man? If you haven't, then you are missing out the most important and precious ingredient of being a human being, and your existence as a life would be wasted. Life would be incompletely without the bonding of a man and a woman's sacred love for each other. Seriously.

If The Night Seems Long To You...
When the night seems so long to you, then it indicates your loneliness within. That's your subconscious inner feeling. You need love. You need a man if you are a woman. You need a woman if you are a man. Seriously.

So don't waste precious time no more. Go find yourself a lover now. Open up yourself and embrace, with sincerity, with respect, with a welcoming altitude. You will find your man. You will find your woman. Soon...sooner than your expectation. Believe it, if you want your man to come to you, then the right man will come into your life. Believe it, if you want your woman to join your life journey, then you will meet a pleasant and charming lady taking the ride with you soon...Very soon.

My Heart Will Go On
Tonight, I present you Céline Dion's My Heart Will Go On. Céline Dion, one of the best singers of all time. Her world famous singing "My Heart Will Go On" from the movie Titanic imprints in the heart of so many many people. If you have watched the movie Titanic, if you have listened to her song from the movie, then you will never forget its touching rhythm, its heart felt lyrics. Her voice, and her singing "My Heart Will Go On" seems to have the power to live in your mind, in your heart, becomes part of your life experience. Don't you agree? Such a beautiful song, such deep love, such a wonderful singer, and most importantly she is such a true lover in her real life. She is my type of woman, meaning her character of being true and pure to a relationship. Anyway, lets hear her beautiful singing now. Lets have My Heart Will Go On to live in your mind once again, let it go on and on, to bring you the touch of true love that's hard to find nowadays...

It is the character of being true and pure to a relationship that makes a woman standing out from a crowd of women. Do you have the character of being true and pure to a relationship, regardless of you being 21 or not 21? Truth is such a precious word. Honesty is such a rare word. Love is such a powerful word.

Gaze Into The Night Sky
Sometimes we lift our head and have our eyes gaze into the far far distant night sky deep into the boundless universe out there. Then we see millions and millions, or maybe billions and trillions of twinkling stars out there quietly, mystically, and peacefully having existed for billions and billions, or trillions and trillions of years already. So many stars, it makes me wonder there must also be planets out there with living things, like plants and animals, maybe just in different forms than what we have on planet earth. Perhaps there are creatures out there in the universe that are smarter than us human beings on this blue and green watery planet. What do you think? Do you think that we are the only ones that live to think with logic, and feel with emotions? Or, that you think because the universe is such a boundless vast space with countless stars and planets, so there must be living creatures that maybe smarter and brighter than us? If they are smarter and brighter than us, then it is likely there are greater civilizations out there. Do you think that they think like we do? How about do you think like I do?

Do you?

Do you not?

Beautiful Rainy Night
Oh, such a beautiful rainy night. Do you hear the tiny rain? It is lightly gently knocking on my bedroom window now. I can hear rain randomly hitting the outside wall and aimlessly dropping on the bottom ground floor. Do you love rain? Yes I do. Rain refreshes the air, washes my hair, and feed the plants like dripping tears. My dear, really like tears? I say, who cares. Rain even make the bears happy and the deer cheer. Oh dear, please hand me that home grown California pear and imported Mexican beer. Cheers!!! ^_^

Lovely Pandas
Oh, lovely pandas. When are we going to have both a male and a female pandas in the San Francisco Zoo? Shall we modernize the zoo and add more animals? Shall we have tech companies such as Google, Facebook, or Alibaba to support and fund our modernization and expansion of the San Francisco Zoo? How about adding a Google Jungle Africa Animals attraction section? How about adding a Facebook Animals For Kids attraction section? Or, we can have Jack Ma's Alibaba to fund the Alibaba Panda Baba & Mama attraction section. Shall we go ahead and make it happen soon?

Make Your Life Exciting Again
So when was the last time that you visited a winery for fun and do wine tasting? When was the last time that you watched a happy and exciting concert with friends or loved one? When was the last time that you enjoyed a beautiful sunset at a romantic beach having ocean air kisses your face and sunlight shines onto your soft silky hair? If you haven't done that for a long time, then you need to make yourself exciting again. You need to keep yourself out there and enjoy life a bit. You need to live in the presence, living well now instead of thinking too much about your retirement. You aren't that old yet. You are still young. So make your life meaningful now, make good things happen today.

You need to keep yourself modern and fashionable. Don't be outdated. Don't be falling behind. You need to live a meaningful life. Make yourself happy. Light up the world around you with your charm and optimism.

Become A Billionaire
A friend said that she likes to become a billionaire by a specific age. And here is my comment to her, "You can't be a billionaire just because you want to. You can't become a billionaire just by yourself, unless you marry to a billionaire. You need to have a plan to get to where you want to go. You need to associate yourself with the right team of like-minded people with the necessary skills, talents, and connections to move toward the top goal together. Effort is important, but with some extra luck would bring you above hills and mountains, then to reach the boundless sky into higher space. Also, sometimes being at the right place, at the right time, with the right people, and doing the right things can make you a billionaire easier and faster than expected. But it is good that you have a dream to become a billionaire. Dream first, then make it happen accordingly to a plan. You need a plan and committed actions to actualize your goal."

Facebook Search Not There Yet
So Facebook is trying to push its own search tool, for the purpose to compete with Google's well established search engine. But Facebook search is poor in relevance. Its querying algorithms behind the search doesn't seem to be well written. Its logic may not be in-depth enough. Coding is important, but understanding the fundamental human search behavior and big picture thinking is vital to creating a high relevance top tier search engine. Facebook is not there yet.

Would Google Donate One Billion Dollars For Nepal Earthquake Relief?
As of May 11th, 2015, the April 25th Nepal strong earthquake have injured about 18,000 victims and killed over 8,000 victims already. One of the well known person killed by the Nepal earthquake is Google executive Dan Fredinburg while he was climbing Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world. Recent news indicated that Nepal desperately needs donations to help the recovery of the earthquake injured victims and to help rebuild Nepal from its vast destruction of homes, buildings, and public infrastructure. Since Dan Fredinburg of Google is one of the Nepal earthquake victims, would Google's rich executives and employees feel compassionate to donate money to help Nepal earthquake victims. Since Google has so much available cash in the multibillion dollars range, would Google like to donate only one billion dollars to help Nepal's earthquake relief effort?

If Google does donate one billion dollars to help Nepal's earthquake relief effort, then I suggest that we name a hiking trail that goes up to Mt. Everest the Google Trail.

And which other fortunate companies would like to take the challenge to donate money for Nepal's earthquake relief and recovery?

A facebook friend suggested closing down Mt. Everest hiking or climbing because of the danger of climbers falling down the steep mountain every year. And here is my comment to her: "That's part of Nepal's tourism economy. And reaching to the top of Mt. Everest is the main goal of climbers and hikers when they travel to Nepal. Sure it is extremely dangerous to hike the snowy trail and steep rocky Mt. Everest there. But I think for Nepal to rebuild and recover its economy, then the way to do it is to increase its tourism attraction. For now, it needs immediate help from the world for earthquake relief effort. In the long run, it will rebuild itself through tourism. Currently, Nepal's neighbor countries China and India are offering great help to its earthquake relief. However, more money is needed, for so many victims are still under hospital care, so many people have become homeless, so many families are broken, so many houses are ruined, so many assets have turned into debris and ashes, ... A great part of Nepal's villages, towns, and cities need to rebuild, and it is going to cost so much money. The world community needs to truly lend their hands to Nepal now. Disaster relief just can't wait. Actions must be taken immediately, to give fund to the disaster relief effort, to give hope to the hopeless victims..."

創業有時候是非常艱辛﹐ 特別是高科技的行業。 有時後你會叫天天不應﹐ 叫地地不聞。 所有的問題你都要自己去刻苦解決﹐ 鑽研克服。但如果把問題一一解決﹐ 把障礙一一攻破﹐ 那你就會很有滿足感﹐ 很有成功感。

Fortune Cookie App
Fortune Cookie app logo You probably have eaten lunch or dinner at a Chinese restaurant and might have cracked a fortune cookie to see the fortune message from the opened cookie. But have you cracked a fortune cookie to see your fortune from a fortune cookie app before? If you have not, then you may install this cool, fun, and exotic fortune cookie app from Google Play for FREE. You can find out your fortune on your own mobile phone or tablet device now. It is no longer necessary to physically visit a fortune teller from some distant place in the Age of Smart Phones & Mobile Apps. My fortune from cracking a fortune cookie says the following message, "You have the ability to turn complexity into simplicity." What would your fortune be?

Alibaba Price In Several Years
So a friend asked, "How would you look at Alibaba's price several years from now?" My simple answer, "It will be trading in between $200 to $300 no problem in several years from now."

馬雲Jack Ma
以前不少華商或傳媒都說﹐“中國是出不了像Steve Jobs那樣的商業奇才﹐高科技行業的領軍人物。” 這句話從此以後將成為過去式。 今日的阿里巴巴創始人馬雲就是像Steve Jobs那樣的商業風雲傳奇人物。 馬雲是時勢造英雄﹐更是英雄造時勢。 說他造就的中國 互聯網經濟時代改變了中國的傳統商業模式﹐打開了平民致富的門道﹐大大促進了商業交易國際化﹐那一點都沒錯。 在某些方面﹐ 馬雲的成就已經超越了Steve Jobs。馬雲的領導能力是不可置疑的。 只有一米五身高的馬雲有戰略﹐有遠見﹐有團結人心的能力﹐ 有演說家的說服力和幽默感﹐有知人善任的眼光﹐有知難而進的勇氣, 他管理得好小格局﹐他把握得住大格局。 馬雲已經算是一位 世界級的商業領袖人物。 他的江湖地位就如微軟的Bill Gates﹐蘋果的Steve Jobs﹐ 以及甲骨文的Larry Ellison, 已經達到了 與他們平起平坐的地步。 這話一點都不誇。 如果一些著名的國際性雜誌如時代雜誌(Time Magazine)選出馬雲為年度風雲人物(Man Of The Year)﹐ 那一點也不會出奇。 馬雲和他的阿里巴巴成功﹐將會成為很多世界著名商學院的研究專案(case study)和課程教材。

Alibaba IPO September 19, 2014
Here is my partial response to a friend's mentioning of Alibaba going IPO tomorrow: "Yeah, Alibaba is going to have the greatest IPO in the world tomorrow. By the way, Alibaba can easily go above $80 by this year 2014. And it will easily go above $100 by next year 2015. Hold it for couple years, it can go above $120. No doubt about it. Alibaba is already a money making company and it has much greater potential ahead. Currently, the company is bigger and much more profitable than Amazon, Ebay, and Paypal combined."

The Twitch Deal
Another $1,000,000,000 tech deal here in San Francisco? Do you still remember that Justin.tv live video streaming website that started by Justin Kan and Emmet Shear several years ago here at San Francisco's North Beach area? In 2011, those Justin.tv founders opened a subsidiary called Twitch.tv that focus on gaming related contents. And now Google wants to buy it for a billion dollars. It certainly sound positive for the tech community. So is this a good deal? Maybe. But one thing for sure is Google certainly had made the right decision in purchasing Youtube.com that founded by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim several years ago. The Twitch Deal

成就總是要經過一番努力奮鬥而得到。 我不太相信不勞而獲這回事。 勝利是要靠自己雙手創的。 慾求也需要經過默默耕耘才有收穫。 要靠自己。

是誰, 是誰帶著夢幻在默默期待, 在人生路途中輕輕徘徊? 是誰, 是誰在迷朦紛紛的雨中無言等待, 等待著天雨過後的彩虹高耀? 來, “請跟我來”, 一起來欣賞這首曾經讓很多人喜歡的感人歌聲: 請跟我來

Build A Company Fast & Sell It Fast
Build a company fast and selling it fast at hundreds of millions to billions of dollars is an alternative to bringing the company for IPO. Fast means in less than 1 year for a price above one hundred millons dollars. Fast also means in less than 2 years for a price above one billion dollars. Fast means in less than 3 years for a price above ten billion dollars.

人要飲水思源。 有了父母親才會有我們。 沒有父母親也就不會有我們。 所以﹐身為兒女的我們要知恩﹐要感恩﹐要報恩。 這種對父母親知恩感恩的心和報恩的德行﹐我們就稱為“孝”。 百善孝為先就是說﹐我們做好事行善德﹐最重要的是要尊敬自己的父母親﹐ 時刻關心父母親的生活﹐照顧好父母親的點點滴滴﹐儘量讓他們多一分快樂﹐使他們少一點擔憂。 父母親給予子女生命﹐恩重如山啊。 子女要知恩莫忘報﹐謹記于心啊。

Billion Dollars Business
To start a company and have it become a mutli billion dollars business in a very short period of time, like 2 to 5 years, is a great temptation to make it happen. How many of such companies can you think of, let say within the past 10 years? Tell me...

你打開了你的靈魂之窗,讓我走進了你的深心處。 是的,我好奇地走進了你的心窩裡。 在你的心窩裡,我想看看你有否給我留下一個位子。 我左看右看,上看下看,前看後看,但看來看去也沒有那個留給我的位子。 不過我看見你為別人流過淚的痕跡,我看見你走過那些不堪回首的坎坷情路, 我听見了你深夜里的寂寞哭泣,我听見了你多年來的痛苦悲傷。 我也看見了你依然擁有的少女情懷,你對情愛的渴求,想被疼愛的愿望,想被擁抱愛撫 的激情。 我也知道你的夢想追求, 我也知道你的奮斗努力,我也知道你的堅強與欲求。

我在你的靈魂里流連了好一陣子。 此行讓我明白了你的傷處,了解了你的無奈,游歷了你的思路,感受了你的情懷。我目睹了你靈魂裡盡是你與男人之間 的愛恨情仇﹐ 悲歡離合﹐曾經的得到與失去﹐曾經的浪漫與淚流﹐曾經的快樂與傷心。 你的心牆上刻畫滿了你與他人的昔日浪漫故事,還有那些傷痕累累 的瘡疤與記號。

你有你的世界。 你有你的夢想。 你有你的過去。 當然,你也會有你的將來。 我試圖看看拉著你手的那位幸福男人是誰。 但我沒有看清楚他是誰。 不過我覺得那個將來和你拉手走到終老的人會是一位很不錯的男人。 當你遇到這樣的好男人的時候,那你就要好好珍惜。 要愛惜。 不要讓幸福再次離你而去,從你的指縫裡輕輕溜走。

我在你的靈魂裡沒有拿走甚麼,走的時候也沒有留下甚麼。 你以前有的依然在那裡,沒有的依然沒有。 我本來就只是過客一名﹐或者說連過客都算不上。

在此,祝愿你的明天會更好。 真不希望見到你的情感再次受傷。 保重。再見。。。

其實在說再見之前順便送你一首歌,是梅艷芳唱的 “抱緊眼前人”。 以下請欣賞﹕ 抱緊眼前人


你在天空畫過一道雲。 世界從此改變了。 沒錯。


一班班的火車漸漸離開。 離開了就不再回頭。 你還在等甚麼?

yeah 等甚麼?

等待著天長﹐ 等待著地久。
等待著煙花燦爛時﹐ 等待著鮮花綻放日。
等待著黎明紫氣東來﹐ 萬象更新。
等待著雨後彩虹高耀﹐ 滿樓春風。



是的。 還等待著朗月明時弄琴聲。 還等待著元宵佳節樂同遊。

TimeSpace app logo Time has no beginning. Time has no end. In between, there is plenty. Eternity is what it is. Every moment in time is precious. Every second in time is unique. It worth more than gold and diamond. Therefore, treasure it. Use time wisely.

(October 2nd, 2013) 有一著名上市公司總裁問﹐ “最近在網上有視頻顯示我們公司出的一款電動車的 'S' 型號著火燃燒。 這樣就引來了一些個別人士對我們產品安全性和成熟度的質疑。 請問有何高見?” 我答﹐ “凡偉大的產品都不是一開始就完美無缺。 好的產品是需要經過不斷的更新和改善﹐ 以求達到越來越好﹐ 越來越高品質﹐ 與越來越安全的地步。 其實幾乎所有牌子的車輛 製造商都有出產過一些並不百分百完美的車子。 這是很正常的事。 這沒有甚麼大驚小怪。 每個牌子的車輛都曾經有過意外﹐ 甚至在發生意外之後車子也會有燃燒的可能。 但你們公司的車子才只有過一次的小意外燃燒的視頻出現﹐ 那並不奇怪﹐ 而那些個別的人士或炒股的投機主義者更不應大造文章或反應過度。這只是雞毛蒜皮的小兒科﹐ 算是沙灘上的一顆小釘子而以。 這不算甚麼大障礙﹐ 也絕對不會影響你們公司的大方向﹐ 大發展。 有一點小問題只是代表了你們的車子還有值得進步的空間。 不必去太過理會那些眼光短淺的個別人士。 放心吧﹐ 你們的電動車子會做得越來越好。 我對你們的產品非常有信心。 放大膽子去做吧。。。”